Kids Day Camp!
(entering 1st-5th) 


Dates: Monday, June 24 - Friday, June 28, 2019 // 8:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $40 per camper ($50 after June 9)
Location: Eugene Faith Center (13th & Polk)
Register online through Eugene Faith Center’s website and be sure to put “Westside” in the friends request box when it prompts you!

Middle School /
High School Camp

(students entering 6th-12th)

Dates: July 14-19 (starts at 4PM with a family BBQ)
Cost: $175 ($200 after July 1)
Location: Eagle Cove Camp, Triangle Lake

Pick up a form from Courtney or a member of the Westside Youth Team! Packing list and more details to come later.

High School Retreat

This Event is Full! There are still spots available at our other High School camp at Triangle Lake! (See above)

 (students entering 9th- 2019 graduate)
We’re renting a house in Bend for a fun-filled weekend of hiking, swimming, exploring, guest speakers, and who knows what else!

Dates: August 2-4th, 2019
Cost: $90 (before June 1st)
$100 (after June 1st)

Location: Bend, OR

Email Jeff at to secure your spot and take your next steps.